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There are many ways in which you can help the Maine Military Historical Society and museum.
Please consider one of the options below to support the Society and Museum in its mission to preserve Maine's military history

​​Cash Donation can be used in many ways to support Maine Military Historical Society programs and initiatives. 



  • Donations by check or mail order, please make it payable to 
    The Maine Military Historical Society
    33 State House Station
    Augusta, Maine 04333-0033


Do you own military artifacts or memorabilia? Don't know what to do with them? Please consider donating your item to the Maine Military Historical Society where they will be cared for. 

Go to Artifact Donation and Artifact Donation FAQ for more info.


Estate Planning is another way in which the Maine Military Historical Society could benefit. This could also be tax deductible. For more information see Make a Bequest.

​​Make A Bequest


  • Suggested Bequest Language
    The following are examples of statements that may be used as models in preparing a bequest or trust designation. Our board of directors would be pleased to develop more specific language tailored to your specific needs. Such collaboration will ensure that the correct legal language is used and that one’s desires are accurately communicated. For more information, contact David Googins, President of the Maine Military Historical Society, at, or 207-279-9654.

    Specific Bequest (unrestricted use)
    “I give (the sum of $_______) (the following described property: ______________) to the Maine Military Historical Society, a non-profit public benefit corporation of the State of Maine, to be used to further its purposes as the Board of Trustees in their discretion may deem appropriate.”

    Specific Bequest (restricted use)
    (For information about specific areas of interest, please contact the Maine Military Historical Society board of directors.)

    “I give (the sum of $_______) (the following described property: ______________) to the Maine Military Historical Society, a non-profit public benefit corporation of the State of Maine. This bequest may be combined with the organization's other funds for purposes of investment and reinvestment and shall be used by the Maine Military Historical Society in support of (a specific area of interest).
    “If at any time in the judgment of the Board of Directors it is impractical or impossible to carry out this purpose, then the Board of Directors of the Maine Military Historical Society may use this bequest for such other purposes as shall be determined by the Board of Directors to be consistent with my interests and intentions.”

    Bequest Recommendations
    It is recommended that restricted provisions be described as broadly as possible and that detailed limitations be kept to a minimum to enable the Maine Military Historical Society to use the bequest despite changed conditions. Please consult with the Board of Directors before drafting restricted provisions to assure that they can be implemented according to your desires.

    The language given here is only suggested language and is meant to be used only with the advice of your attorney.

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