Board Bios
John L. Conley, Master Sergeant, US Army (Retired) Served from 1967-2009. I served in the Regular Army, the Army Reserve, and the Army National Guard, as a non-Morse Intercept Operator, Special Forces Communicator, Weapons Sergeant, Intelligence Sergeant, and Team Sergeant. My last assignment was as the Senior Enlisted Advisor at the Joint Special Operations University, Joint Reserve Unit. In the civilian world I was a Production Control Manager for a military contractor and later on as a Special Operations subject matter expert for the Institute for Defense Analyses. I have always been interested in military history and weapons primarily mortars. The Maine Military Historical museum is good place to volunteer and learn.
Don Grinnell is a retired Army colonel with a combination of 30 years of active duty and Maine Army National Guard. After his Guard retirement, he worked as the Operations and Resources Planner at the Knox County Emergency Management Agency for 12 years. He is a former selectman in the Town of Washington (16 years) and is currently the town's EMA director and chair of the town's budget committee. In retirement, Don keeps busy in his local historical society, his Masonic Lodge, and the Sons of the Union Veterans of the Civil War. Don and his wife, Liz, have been married over 50 years and have traveled to over 20 National Parks.​
Terrance Knowles, Command Sergeant Major, US Army (Retired) Served from 1966-1998. My job in the Army included aviation crew chief and combat and construction engineering. As a senior NCO the training, mentoring of many young soldiers and most important building teams was very rewarding. Since retirement in 1998, I have volunteered for government, schools, veteran groups, snowmobile clubs, ham radio, and sled dog clubs. My passion for many years was mushing with my sled dogs. I have always been interested in military history and learning new skills so the Maine Military Historical is a perfect fit.
​Donald H. Marden was born in Waterville, Maine in 1936 to Harold C. and Dorothy E. Marden. Graduate of Waterville High School, 1954, Cornell University, 1958, Boston University School of Law, 1964. He was commissioned from ROTC, Distinguished Military Graduate, Fort Bragg in 1958. Graduate of Quartermaster Basic Officer’s Course, Fort Lee, 1959; Armor Career Course, Ft. Knox, 1965; Judge Advocate General Staff Course. Active duty May, 1959 to September 1961 serving in USAREUR as Operations Officer, Camp Eschborn Petroleum Depot. He was a company commander in the U.S. Army Reserve at Boston Army Base from 1961 to 1963. Upon entering in the Maine Army National Guard, he served as Ass’t S-3,(Air), Headquarters Company Commander, Selective Service Officer, State Judge Advocate and Deputy Adjutant General. He retired from the National Guard on August 1, 1994, awarded Legion of Merit. General Marden was one of the Founders of The Maine Military Historical Society.
Lieutenant Colonel Peter W. Ogden enlisted in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in July 1967. He served three tours in Vietnam between December 1967 and April 1972. LTC Ogden received his commission through OCS in June 1977. Prior to his retirement in June 1995, LTC Ogden served as Operations Officer, Task Force Dirigo, an Army National Guard Engineer exercise in Guatemala, Central America involving more than 3,600 National Guard, Active Army, Army Reserve, Air Force, Navy, and Guatemalan Engineers. In February 2004, LTC (Ret) Ogden was appointed Director of the Bureau of Veterans Services for the State of Maine. Mr. Ogden retired from State service on June 12, 2015. In retirement he currently serves as the Director of the Maine Armed Forces Museum at Camp Keyes in Augusta.
Margaret A. Williams, Master Sergeant, US Army (Retired). Served from 1978 to 2004. I served in various positions in Personnel and Administration. I went to Basic Training at Fort Jackson, SC where I was one of one of the first companies that trained two platoons of men and two platoons of women together in one company. For the first years, I drilled at the Augusta Armory where I was one of only three females. My most favorite position was as Family Program Coordinator. As Guard units began to deploy more frequently in the 1990s, it was important to brief families on what to expect. I was also proud to help screen soldiers for Task Force Dirigo to Guatemala where roads, schools, wells, and other projects were completed. I was able to train there for two weeks. In my retirement I have volunteered for many organizations and enjoy my hobbies of reading and playing golf. I often rely on the many skills I learned in the Army in my retirement. Highest military education: Sergeants Major Academy. Highest civilian education: Master of Education-Counselor Education.